Page 6 - Supreme Court Good Samaritan Statutory Force of GOI - 12 May 2015
P. 6


                    police station.   There is need to evolve the system by promptly providing

                    effective care system with certain ethical and legal principles.  It is absolutely

                    necessary that Good Samaritans feel empowered to act without fear of adverse

                    consequence. There is need to provide certain incentives to Good Samaritans.

                    There is also dire need to enact a Good Samaritan Law in the country since

                    there is a felt need of legislation for affording protection to Good Samaritans.

                    8.     While issuing notice on 17.8.2012, this Court has observed:
                                  “It   remains   undisputed   before   us   that   it   is   not
                                  insufficiency of law but it is implementation of law
                                  which is a matter of concern.   Different guidelines
                                  including guidelines for ambulance Code, emergency
                                  care and appropriate directions to the hospitals on the
                                  highways for handling the accident trauma patients,
                                  as a top priority are stated to have been issued.
                                         Learned   counsel   appearing   for   the   parties
                                  submit that an expert committee would need to be
                                  constituted to monitor the various directions issued
                                  for their due compliance.
                                         Learned counsel for the parties even propose to
                                  make joint suggestions in this regard after consulting
                                  the   relevant   Ministries   and   NHA.     The   counsel
                                  appearing for the petitioner has vehemently argued
                                  that the joint suggestions now to be filed should also
                                  consider the directions and safeguards that could be
                                  provided   to   the   passers-by   or   informers   of   the
                                  accident.     This   will   even   help   the   expeditious
                                  disposal of criminal cases.   Let this aspect be also
                                  examined by the learned counsel appearing for the
                                  parties who are to submit the joint suggestions.”

                    9.     This   Court   vide   order   dated   11.12.2012   has   constituted   a

                    Committee consisting of 8 members and to submit  the suggestions

                    before this Court. The members of the said Committee are as follows:

                       1. Additional Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs;

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